Path of Empowerment Page 2
This grand field of energy is continuously stimulated and influenced by the activities of intense celestial phenomena that permeate the reaches of space and time. With your beliefs, the spectacular display of implosions and explosions of cosmic gasses and matter appears as random events, exhibiting a universe in constant collision with itself. Yet this is hardly the case. You have not yet dared to believe in or recognize the presence of the profound order that is at the core of all life. An evolving presence of collective Cosmic Intelligence actually moves, plans, and designs existence with distinct and deferential purpose. Actually, all forms of consciousness have the inherent power to plan and create experiences, and from a larger perspective, this entire interconnected network of cosmic consciousness is the key component in the game of life. The orbs in the heavens play many roles. Stellar components are essentially life-force communication centers that are intricately woven together through a tremendous telepathic linkup. They are utilized by many intelligent beings as a means for sending specific transmissions through frequency modulation from one location to another. Every flash of light, supernova, and solar flare, every action—massive and miniscule—is essentially important to the development of all parts of this cosmic network and is clearly set into motion by way of intent in one reality or another.
In the cosmos, Earth is located near the outer rim of spirals in the Milky Way Galaxy, many thousands of light years away from the mystical Galactic Center. According to your reckoning, light travels almost six trillion miles in one of your years, placing you some physical distance from this source of light and energy. Even though it may appear that you exist in some remote avenue on the galactic map of the heavens, every portion of existence is interrelated and inherently connected through the powerful, pulsating, alive, caring, creative, ever-changing web of cosmic energy. You are made from this energy and actually have a duty and responsibility to manage this abundance of vitality, no matter in which domain of reality you may reside.
Your world is just beginning to discover the multitude of capabilities inherent within the human form.
It is most important for you to accept that you are a powerful being. Your physical body serves as your own intimate example of the impeccable design of life; the intricate and wondrous organization of your cells, bones, and organs illustrates a vast network of cooperation that mirrors back to you the primary nature of existence. By design, you are a fine achievement: a unique organic computer that is fully capable of consciously experiencing the different levels of your own reality, as well as many others.
In all truth, your world is just beginning to discover the multitude of capabilities inherent within the human form. For thousands of years, many clever diversions have kept humanity from understanding the true nature of its power and natural talent for creating the world. For many millennia, limiting beliefs about your lack of personal power have been accepted as facts throughout your world; this was made manifest through focusing your power of attention on these beliefs. Such beliefs are agreements about reality, and they set the stage for what you encounter. Your state of awareness then determines how you respond to the dramas of life you have created. You have the free will to choose what you will, and what you sow will be yours to harvest. We dare say you are much more complex and wondrous than you realize. With a good measure of faith, trust, and desire—augmented with a large dose of cosmic knowledge, as well as common sense—you can certainly learn to focus your attention, be very clear about your intentions, and manifest what you want in your life.
Self-empowerment is a worthy achievement in any reality, although it is not necessarily an easy state of mind to achieve. Like any skill, it must be focused upon and developed, and called into being; yet once encouraged to awaken, self-empowerment blossoms and grows on its own, much like a hearty heirloom plant that thrives and flourishes season after season. Self-empowerment is the most natural and treasured flowering of an awakened mind. Nestled in the depths of your cells are the memories and records of all of your ancestors, some of whom dealt with the same issues you are encountering today. Perceptions of reality are imprinted in the genetic code and passed along to the various participants in a bloodline. In all lines of time and in all realities of existence, personal freedom is the prerequisite to pioneering new parameters of possibility. Although some of your ancestors knew that self-empowered people are self-determining and do not require the lessons of deceptive leadership, the freedoms and gains one generation realizes are not guaranteed for another. Each generation chooses its own values as well as what is important for spiritual growth—individually, when you explore and expand your innate personal power, you flourish; when you abdicate it, you create tyranny.
The nature of reality is such that it will mirror, mix, mingle, and play with any and all types of energy without judgments. Your thoughts, feelings, desires, and emotions, as expressed in words and deeds, are all projections of energy based on your personal beliefs. As you become more consciously aware of your beliefs, you will begin to direct the course of your life. Life is not a random occurrence; at the core, it is an experiential agreement between many beings from many realities for the purpose of exploration and discovery. Creative expression and supreme responsibility are key components for awakening and developing your spiritual intelligence. Self-empowerment is about examining yourself and knowing how and why you function as you do, and magnificent opportunities and freedoms abound whenever you choose the path of self-empowerment to co-create your reality with the power of the multiverse, which comprises all of existence including the apparent 3-D universe.
The current climate of consciousness opens you and your world to many discoveries of invisible powers; the power in the ether, the power in the body, and the power of intention are a composite of very old, yet essential, steps along the path to understanding life. There is a saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, implying perhaps that the dangers of power mean power is something to avoid altogether. In actuality, you are birthed from power. You are conceived in this reality through the power of sex, and an act of innate personal power propels you to leave your mother’s womb at the appropriate time. The nature of existence is imbued with power and so are you. You are a powerful being, you cannot avoid dealing with power, and when it comes to power, you will always be tested to see if you will abuse and misuse it. Power is a test of character, and the choice is always yours. In one small cell, there is more potential power than you could use in your entire lifetime; however, global consciousness must first demonstrate its acceptance of ultimate responsibility for handling that kind of power before the gates to the mysteries of the multiverse are opened.
The period from 1987 to 2012 has been foreseen by great sages in many ages as the turning point in a very powerful cycle of human development.
Every once in a great, great while, in certain locations of time and space, a massive acceleration of cosmic energy occurs. Based on a joint agreement among various forms of intelligence, including the stars, planets, and an innumerable host of cosmic players, the acceleration is designed to awaken the various participants to a much greater experience of existence through integrating a huge vibrational change of energy. The gateway to such a time of awakening opened on your world in 1987, initiating twenty-five years of unprecedented change and exponential transformation. The period from 1987 to 2012 has been foreseen by great sages in many ages as the turning point in a very powerful cycle of human development.
Many ancient peoples of your world placed inestimable value on the knowledge that existence is composed of multiple layers of physical and non-physical intelligence. They observed and studied the myriad of subtle, non-linear information found in the patterns and cycles of nature. Throughout time, the meaning of the sun’s cycles was of utmost importance to almost every civilization. Your relationship to time is based on the presence and position of the solar orb. In other ages, people recognized that the solar rays are the source of life, and they considered the su
n to be God: the divine deity of creation. They also knew that endings are a sign and signature of new beginnings, for the changing seasons portrayed this great teaching with astounding style throughout the course of the Earth’s yearly journey around the sun.
The rhythms of nature are of key importance to understanding how your world functions. To ancient peoples, the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth were considered to be of inherent value in understanding the various cycles of development in physical reality and beyond. Time was observed to be cyclical and patterns of life were also known to repeat and spiral around again, offering new opportunities, as well as old familiarity. Many of your ancestors were operating with a very different view of life and time than you currently hold. From some perspectives, time is seen as flexible and changeable, with the past and future simultaneously occurring and as fully valid and alive as the present. Time serves as a locator and organizer of realities, creating invisible boundaries as containers for creation. In much larger terms, these twenty-five years of accelerated energy are like a bookmark in time, noting a place where all participating forms of consciousness experience a profound increase in awareness by integrating many essential new perceptions of reality very, very quickly.
During this twenty-five-year period of transition and transformation, the version of reality you have come to know will appear to be less and less stable. As events on the world stage steadily escalate into chaos and confusion, you will be compelled to wake up and really start thinking about what is occurring. This is both a challenging and most stimulating time to be alive, and questioning everything—your life, your beliefs, and your worldview—is the most essential part of the process of discovering your inherent power to create the world you meet. It takes great courage to question your existence, and even greater strength is required to know and recognize the truth when you see it.
We often refer to this special period of time as “the nanosecond” in the annals of time, because from certain vistas and points of view the twenty-five years pass by faster than the blink of an eye. Looking through the annals of time in search of this period can be like looking for a special sliver of wood in an endless expanse of forest. Nevertheless, all of existence is intricately connected and all time is simultaneously occurring; therefore, with a bit of knowledge and know-how, many areas of what you consider to be time and space can be located and explored. Perspective is the key. As seen from outside your time, the years in which you live appear to be filled with magnificent opportunities for humanity to connect with vast, new vistas of knowledge, and to awaken during a spiritual renaissance of stunning magnitude. You may be wondering: How can this be? Why us? Why here? Why now? Well, all of existence is designed with great purpose, and from our perspective, you must first seek to know yourself before the answers begin to make sense.
Every aspect of existence is interwoven and connected through a complex network of consciousness. Before you immerse yourself into 3-D living, you have the ability to preview the parameters of earthly life, to oversee the aspects of your own plan, purpose, and intent within a specific climate of consciousness. You choose the moment and the time of your birth, as well as your genealogical bloodline, which is rich with an ancestral encoding of perceptions based on many lessons in living. In the here and now, you forget your plans in order to play your version of the game of life more effectively. You immerse yourself in your identity and become fully engaged in the process of exploring and experiencing the path you have chosen. The course of your life is a significant and purposeful journey that continuously confronts and stimulates you to develop your abilities. You actually learn about the nature of existence as you learn how to operate your biological form.
You may appear to exist as a singular being, yet you have endless connections to realities beyond the bounds of your perceptions.
Understanding the numerous roles that multidimensional influences play in your life is of major importance. As it becomes more and more apparent that you and your world share time and space with other realities, you will also discover that you exist in other realities as well. You may appear to exist as a singular being, yet you have endless natural connections to realities beyond the bounds of your perceptions. And what exactly are perceptions? How is it that a multitude of realities can exist side by side with you, yet you hardly ever notice? Individually and collectively you produce a vibrational frequency that locates you in a specific version of reality. This non-physical energy signature defines your personal nature from moment to moment and outlines the parameters of your Earth-based experience. Your greater world reality is founded upon a series of mass agreements, and your personal life is an intimate journey of self-discovery within this massive framework of reality, where you live out your chosen beliefs. How you grasp and interpret the vast array of sensations and stimuli within this multilayered environment determines the degree of self-realization you develop. Your perceptions, or the ability to sense the various subtle nuances of reality, are awakening, and they tend to blossom and grow with greater ease when you operate from a stance of flexibility and trust.
Direct telepathic knowledge actually sustains and supports a much greater reality than you currently perceive. Telepathy is a natural form of communication by frequency that is inherent within all forms of energy. Mass agreements about the nature of reality are unconsciously debated and considered on a psychic level of reality at the speed of thought. Your cells are continuously receiving data, and evaluating, processing, and transmitting signals that carry the frequency of what you are available to experience; these activities are effortlessly performed, without your being the slightest bit aware of them. At this point in your development, if you were to suddenly consciously shift into multidimensional living—where simultaneous lives, celestial relatives, and probable realities all appear at once—you would probably overload your system and blow your circuits.
You must be very grounded in the 3-D world to integrate and understand the myriad of signs, symbols, and meanings of other realities. First of all, you must clearly love and accept yourself for who you are, and this is no small task. When you can lovingly recognize yourself as your own creation, you free yourself from the mass-induced trance of powerless living. You must live your life with clear boundaries and distinctions, applying great discernment and discrimination of mind to all you encounter. In addition, you must learn to honestly and openly express your feelings and emphasize your own self-worth as you learn to develop a true love for who you are. Conditions, excuses, competition, or wishing you were someone else will get you nowhere. And, if you live life with few boundaries, you may find yourself greatly infringed upon by characters not only of this dimension, but others as well. You must first learn to treasure and value your human form, and then you can learn to enhance your perceptions and begin to explore the web of existence by paying attention to the great influx of vital, life-sustaining energy that fills your world.
For the purpose of expanding the horizon of your beliefs, stretch your mind and imagine that you are connected to a network of intelligence that is ongoing and deeply immersed in exploring the potentials of perceptions through a very involved and good-hearted game of consciousness. After you read these words, close your eyes for a few moments, relax, and allow yourself to really feel the depth of possibilities within this concept. When you open your eyes and refocus on the here and now, intend to maintain the essence of your experience, and note any images or symbols your imagination has provided. Your imagination is an important tool for recognizing and exploring the invisible, non-physical realms that intersect with the physical world of matter. This aspect of imagination has been ignored in modern times because of a very effective and purposeful long-term campaign of control that has emphasized supreme distrust and suspicion of the body’s power and capabilities. Know that the invisible non-physical realms and the physical world are all aspects of a single reality. From moment to moment, your consciousness operates in both physical and non-physical reality with pr
ofound grace and ease. You are born with this ability, yet you have been led to believe in false limitations and to distrust your inner knowing. Projects involving the conditioning and control of the human psyche have their roots in very ancient times, and many limiting ideas about the nature of reality have been deeply entrenched and encoded within your genetic inheritance, passed from generation to generation, without being challenged as to validity or purpose.
From moment to moment, your consciousness operates in both physical and non-physical reality with profound grace and ease.
The nature of any reality can appear to be separately distinct from everything else, even though every aspect of existence is connected through the commonality of vital life-force energy. All realities share the capacity to link up to a network of interactive intelligence that exists within and around the confines of space and time you currently perceive. In your own time and space, human perceptions are gradually adjusting to the enormous change in awareness that is being required to restore the human link with Cosmic Intelligence. As your conscious awareness opens to the multidimensional qualities of existence, you will learn to gather knowledge from other places and carry it back to 3-D reality to enhance and heal your own life. Your personal achievements have a profound effect on the global state of mind, and in the “ideal made real,” you and your world will flourish with fresh ideas and become exuberantly inspired to create a new vision of the purpose of life.
When you change your attitude, you change your personal and collective life. People all over the world are realizing the need to refocus the direction of global attention toward one of honesty and integrity, where valuing peace and respectfully honoring and caring for Earth and all her creatures are of primary intent. As the vibration of the mass consciousness expands and matures, greater momentum and focus will be gained. The Earth feels these changes. An elevated state of awareness in the collective consciousness of humankind triggers the Earth to unlock and release more of the complete story of time stored within her being. When you are willing to know and face personal truths, you contribute to building the frequency of consciousness required to uncover and release the truth of human history. Developing spiritual awareness unlocks the keys to Earth’s archeology, and is also of critical importance in understanding your past, present, and future well-being. The human mind is being extremely stimulated by many subtle cosmic forces to activate a new type of consciousness, and even though you have only just begun to tap in to the tremendous potentials of creative expression that await your attention, many millions of people are already well on their way to exploring these life-empowering discoveries.