Path of Empowerment Read online

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  Now picture the vital life-force energy bursting forth from your body on a cellular level and see it rippling and blending with the energies of Earth. Imagine that you are carrying this energy and state of awareness with you wherever you go. Play with this energy and direct it toward the version of reality you would like to experience. Be reasonable and generous with your possibilities, and gift yourself well in your mind.

  Refocus on your breath, making certain it is still steady and deep, and feel the warmth of the stone bench upon which you are sitting. Before opening your eyes, focus your attention and your conscious awareness for a few moments just behind your eyelids, feeling the power of the sun penetrating deep within your body. Now take a few long, deep breaths and imagine you have just returned from a wonderful journey. When you open your eyes, notice that the sun is shining with a brilliant new light.

  You can create a place of power and peace in your mind any time you choose, for your imagination is always at your beck and call. Many ancient cultures knew that the rays of the sun were encoded with a language of light that transferred information directly to the mind, influencing and affecting everyone with a subtle stream of Cosmic Intelligence. The rays of sunlight were believed to nourish and support the world by expanding the mind and enhancing conscious awareness to include new vistas of understanding. People knew that the mind was a tool to navigate realities.

  It is essential to understand that the events unfolding in your world are not a result of random, meaningless acts.

  The opportunity to wake up and grow in conscious awareness is ever present and awaiting your attention. Each moment is teeming with vitality and filled with the presence of Cosmic Intelligence. Observing and considering a situation from many viewpoints expand the horizons of experience and understanding, just as visiting Egypt to explore the Great Pyramid in person is infinitely more engaging and meaningful than merely seeing a photograph. From one perspective, the seemingly increasing levels of turmoil and chaos in the world can be attributed to the recent acceleration of a secret and long-term plan to control the world by molding and manipulating the human mind. However, just like a photograph, this point of view is merely a snapshot capturing one “frame of reality,” all the while implying the existence of so much more. Multiple points of view converge for a collective purpose, and the intentions and experiences of all participants, physical and non-physical, must be taken into consideration when questioning the “whys and wherefores” of today’s world. Plans within plans within plans weave webs of intriguing possibilities throughout this period of transformation. Situations and people appearing to limit and control your reality can serve many purposes, depending on your interpretation and point of view.

  A willingness to consider new concepts and ideas stretches your mind into new territories of awareness. It is essential to understand that the events unfolding in your world are not a result of random, meaningless acts. Everything occurs for a distinct purpose. Humanity is undergoing a profound process of awakening to new realizations about the nature of existence. Can you recall the times your attention was captivated by a stunning series of tantalizing synchronicities or a cluster of life-changing events? Throughout the cosmos the scheme of existence is both intricately planned and spontaneously free to grow and change. And so, too, are you. The parameters of 3-D reality are part of a much greater reality that is deeply connected and interrelated to your world. Consciousness, in many shapes and sizes, coalesces to form constructs of thought and mass agreements of cooperation that actually sustain and support your world. You operate with and originate from agreements of consciousness, and you expand and traverse and build “all that is” with every breath you take and every thought you entertain.

  The parameters of any civilization are dreamed into being from the spiritual realms by the collective imagination of all the participants. In a state of non-physical reality, a structure of energy is created to support and contain the collective ideal. Energy, which can be directed, molded, and shaped into any form, is unlimited in its potential. Civilizations manifest with a wide variety of intents and purposes based on the agreements of their designers and builders. You are not born into a world without contributing to its design, and you are continuously affecting and interacting with the non-physical structure of your current civilization through a process of cellular telepathy. You are also telepathically interacting with other structures of reality that are interspersed throughout time. Your current civilization, like all realities, is composed of structured energy that is located on a frequency band, like a radio station broadcasting its programs from a distinct address. Frequency signatures define and outline the purpose and maintain the continuity of all versions of reality.

  Physical reality is a model of creative cooperation conceived in the realm of spiritual intelligence. A wealth of consciousness, in a non-physical state of being, organizes, plans, designs, and tends the seeds, or blueprints, of physical reality. In the physical world, thought-forms and ideas about reality are received telepathically from the consciousness that nurtures physical reality into being. Thoughts and ideas weave themselves through myriad realities and travel on rays of light that are visible, like the rays of the sun, and on light signals from high-frequency cosmic radiation, such as gamma rays, which you cannot see. Ideas for the physical support of your civilization are constantly being transmitted by rays of light from one dimension to another. The current structures of civilization—roadways; buildings; fuel, water, and communication lines; systems of law, commerce, learning, agriculture, and the arts—are the resulting physical manifestations of non-physical blueprints. These physical structures create an arena, or platform of reality, from which earthly life can be explored.

  Your identity, which is both physical and non-physical in nature, spans many realities that you have been encouraged and trained to ignore.

  Every era is influenced by vast cosmic forces that transmit and transfer energy into the structure of civilization. Your identity, which is both physical and non-physical in nature, spans many realities that you have been encouraged and trained to ignore. The heavens have always captivated the attention of humanity, and many ancient cultures looked to the skies to confirm the belief that every living thing has an awareness of its own, and that existence is bounded by specific cosmic laws. To live and work in harmony with those laws was considered as natural and essential as breathing. The presence of patterns and cycles revealed a design to reality that implied the existence of a designer, and activities in the heavens have been observed and studied for this very reason by every culture and civilization on Earth. The striking and majestic marching order of the sun, moon, planets, and stars offered important knowledge concerning the mysteries of life, especially for those decoding the cryptic “as above, so below” layers of truth.

  Many of your ancestors professed a belief in the inherent connection between the heavenly domains and life on Earth. The word astro is derived from the Greek word for star, and at one time the current hard science of astronomy, which deals with the so-called material universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere, and the art of astrology, which is based on interpreting the influence of heavenly bodies on human affairs, were united. The roots of this knowledge reach deep into Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where a fully formed civilization appeared over six thousand years ago, magically manifesting itself practically overnight. This land, which today is within the country of Iraq, is considered by many historians to be the cradle of civilization. When Baghdad, the ancient capital and cultural center of Iraq, was occupied during the war in the spring of 2003, rampant and frenetic looting led to the destruction and disappearance of priceless artifacts spanning almost seven thousand years of history. In light of this destruction, it is most interesting to note that the ancient dwellers on this land looked to the heavens with great awe and respect, for they claimed they were taught about the mysteries of existence from those who came from the stars.

  The planets i
n your solar system are designed to function in a cooperative and synchronized pattern to establish a foundation for development within cycles of time. The path of the sun’s annual circle of the heavens is known as the ecliptic, and this narrow ribbon of space is home to the zodiac, an imaginary belt in the heavens extending about eight degrees on either side of the ecliptic. The paths of the sun, moon, and principal planets orbit within this great circle of stars. Ancient people divided the zodiac into twelve constellations, and each stellar configuration was noted as an astrological sign, usually depicted by an animal. Animals were known to be multidimensional journeyers who traverse many realities, and it was therefore natural to honor the stars, which were home to many realities, with respected earthly icons. Mapping the heavens and charting the course of the planets, as they traversed the vault of stars, became a way for people to understand the great mysteries of life and to locate their celestial families.

  The sun plays the primary and most essential role of relaying light-encoded information by transmitting and disbursing blueprints of consciousness and ideas about reality on gamma rays, which are a form of high-frequency radiation. Your life is intimately connected to the celestial activities that distinguish the heavens at the time of your birth. As the sun moves around the zodiac forming a great circle in the sky, each day of the year is signified by a degree within one of the twelve astrological signs. The dates and degrees accumulate records or memories of all occurrences. The sky is a map of knowledge, and each moment in time carries an energetic imprint, or outline, of its presence that is unique unto itself, like a footprint left in sand. You qualify for the time of your birth, just as you would for a particular type of employment. Some moments are much more auspicious than others, and the proper credentials on your spiritual resume must be present in order to fit with the prevailing energies.

  A horoscope is a specific map, or picture, of the heavens that is cast for the date, time, and location of your birth. The positions of the sun, moon, and planets, as well as the sign that hovers at the horizon, are all placed around the wheel of the zodiac to reveal the intricate mathematical relationships that portray your personal blueprint and potential for development. This map can reveal your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts and challenges, and you are always free to grow and change, according to your own volition. Also noteworthy are the nodal points, or the locations where the path of Earth and the path of the moon intersect, forming what is known as the “head and tail of the sky dragon,” or the north and south nodes. The location of the celestial dragon in a chart is of utmost importance, for it indicates the direction in which you are moving to achieve the fulfillment of your personal destiny, as well as the place in the past that you are emerging from. Once you are born into physical reality, you unfold your life within an imprint of cosmic energy that embodies a plan of intent and purpose, a plan designed and approved by you.

  Throughout the annals of creation, Earth is considered to be a monumental storehouse of precious information, a living library, encrypted within the layers and layers of genetic coding of its organic life. Your science enthusiastically seeks to unravel the genetic codes of life without understanding where and how this magnificent order arose. Your heritage is from the stars. How often has your gaze been drawn upward into the night skies? How many wonderings and prayers have you sent into the vault of heaven? How many times have you counted the stars or pondered over the power of the sun? Your deepest inner longings are legitimate flutters of memories desiring to be rekindled and awakened to a continuity of purpose that spans the cosmos. You came to Earth to anchor this ancient knowledge into the human form, knowing that life here offers as many opportunities and gifts as you may choose to experience.

  Learning to recognize and read frequencies, or levels of consciousness, offers you a profound new form of liberty and freedom.

  The concepts of animate and inanimate or organic and inorganic matter do not justly describe all the possibilities of the known or unknown universe. Consciousness is the ever-present constant. Everything has a distinct vibration and frequency of energy, which serve as a form of identification and proclamation of uniqueness within the field of existence. Frequencies are vibrations of energy that are determined by their rate of reoccurrence. Some frequencies travel through the many layers of existence, traversing what you think of as time and space. The ability to sense and feel and transmit energy is a natural function of the human form. These times of heightened and accelerated energy offer the perfect opportunity to expand your mind by developing and fine-tuning your perceptions, and your perceptions expand when you learn to look for the layers of significance and hidden meanings of life. Fully participating in life, as well as learning to observe your interactions without judgment, is essential for developing an enhanced awareness. Learning to recognize and read frequencies, or levels of consciousness, offers you and your world a profound new form of liberty and freedom. The possibilities of an awakened mind and its benefits have yet to really dawn on humanity. When the potentials of these abilities are fully understood and utilized, you will begin to recognize the powerful effects that the Galactic Center, the womb of the Milky Way Galaxy, exerts on your life.

  Now, practically speaking, you must first learn to manage your attention in the here and now in order to become much more aware of the language of frequencies. Inner signals and messages are effortlessly and generously transmitted by everyone; areas of existence that appear to be non-existent constantly knock on the doors of your perception; fountains of knowledge continuously spring forth from your inner being; yet most often, you never even notice. Feelings, impressions, and memories are all valid components of consciousness that cooperate to play essential roles in awakening your vital energy, expanding your attention, and connecting you to a greater view of reality. Every one of you is here in cooperation with a collective purpose. In life, the role you play is entirely of your own making; you write the script and direct the course of action while continuously adding to and changing your course of possibilities. There are no limits to your creativity. Whatever you do in your version of the world affects and directs the course of civilization. The startling changes that are sweeping your globe are blatant signs that inner upheavals of immense proportions are transpiring, and as people the world over are challenged to confront the curtailing of their freedom, many are now remembering the parameters of possibility they agreed to explore before they were born.

  During this era of change, the collective intent of humanity appears to be deeply committed to a tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth and expansion, where the experience of being on Earth is both the purpose and the teacher. On one level of your experience, you are here to participate in the mass movement of consciousness toward a collective integrated memory. To raise the stakes and make the experience much more interesting and worthwhile, obstacles of every make and size have been introduced into this drama from many levels of reality. Every era has an overall game plan that can be studied, explored, and experienced through many directions of time— from a non-linear perspective, all time is simultaneously occurring. Stellar and planetary positions in the heavens play a definitive role in establishing a structure and purpose by transmitting energetic influences that outline, and to some extent, define the potential and probable directions of the times in which you live. To fully contribute to this transformation in your own unique fashion, you selected an identity based on the numerous talents and abilities you have accumulated from experiences in many directions of time. You inserted yourself with great care into your chosen life. Deciding to be here is an achievement in itself; however, understanding what is unfolding around you is an even greater accomplishment. Billions of people have come here to play a part in this great drama—to recognize and remember that they are energetic beings whose thoughts, feelings, and emotions create the world they meet. Consciously learning to recognize frequencies and then producing those you want is an underlying key to the game; being able to read and co
mmunicate with the life energies of your environment is a worthy goal for all humanity.

  To develop the skill of consciously reading and making frequencies, you must learn to pay attention to the subtleties of life. In seeking to know yourself, new vistas of reality will inevitably unfold. Awareness and control of the breath are the essential keys for understanding and developing the higher mind, because they form a very powerful and natural way to connect with both inner and outer sources of the vital life-force energy. By focusing your attention, you can use your breath to stabilize yourself, to have more energy and enhance your immune system, to create beneficial brain wave patterns, and to travel into the interior of your being to acquire transcendent knowledge and information from a source beyond your linear view of the world. You must learn to pay attention to where your breath takes you, for it is a very powerful tool for activating and using your physical form to its greatest extent. Breathing exercises create a strong foundation within the body for those seeking higher consciousness, and we highly recommend that you adopt the discipline of always returning your attention to conscious breathing. Breathing is an exchange of energy between the outer world and the inner domain of your body. No matter what you are doing: tucking the children into bed, driving the car, making supper, making love, or dashing to the office, modulating your breathing patterns is a way of staying centered, expanding the use of your mind, and enhancing your physical prowess.

  Take a few moments and notice the way you normally breathe. Can you feel yourself breathing? Can you hear the sound of your breath? How deep are your breaths? Is there any movement in the chest? Are you filling the lower lungs with your breath? Now, with a greater focus of your attention, clear your throat, relax your tongue, gently separate your jaw, and inhale slowly through your nose to the count of four. Feel your breath swirling into your nostrils and listen for the sound of the “wind in a cave” at the back of your throat. Consciously follow your breath into your body. Picture your breath filled with vibrant golden spirals of energy that are moving over your larynx, down your throat, and into the bottom of your lungs. When you have completed the in-breath, pause for a few moments, then completely and thoroughly exhale with a long and deep out-breath, also to the count of four; then pause before beginning the round again. Do your best to keep your attention on your breath as you read. Deep, rhythmic breathing calms and rebalances your entire body. On the second or third deep in-breath, picture and feel the vibrant golden spirals of energy penetrating the walls of your lungs and moving into the bloodstream. As the vital energy enters your bloodstream, see it swirl toward your heart. Allow the focused energy to enter all of the heart’s chambers, then see and feel the vitalized blood moving from your heart throughout all of your body. Imagine your blood as a brilliant ruby red river, powerfully alive and intelligent, carrying the vital life-force energy on a steady and purposeful course throughout your body. Keep breathing and enjoy the power of your focused attention.