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Path of Empowerment Page 5
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You can focus the energy of your breath with any imagery you like, according to how you want to feel or express yourself. Vital energy is free and completely open to be directed and molded by you. When you consciously breathe, you immediately alter the frequency of your brain wave patterns into a more awakened and integrated state of awareness. By learning to adjust and refocus your attention, you will become more aware of the extensive range of frequencies, from both physical and non-physical sources, that vie for your attention.
Electromagnetic waves of cosmic radiation, composed of pulsed light energies, travel throughout existence conveying vast amounts of information.
The nature of existence is founded upon cooperation, and everything occurs for a distinct and significant purpose on all levels of reality. Pulsations of energy permeate all of existence to form a super-conscious cosmic mind that serves as a source of energy and a repository of all knowledge. A constant stream of creative impulses from the cosmic mind stimulates exploration and development by opening new avenues of awareness throughout existence. Multiple layers of purpose are always involved in any event, and the greater number of people engaged, the more energy generated. Participation, by thought, word, or deed, strengthens a thought-form with the potential to energetically alter the course of human consciousness in any direction. The emotional intensity behind the thought-form determines the outcome. When your emotions are being manipulated, it is much more challenging to take a stand and clearly assess the situation. A new and spiritually invigorating cosmic perspective is required for humanity to fully understand the purpose of the extreme polarization of the civilized world, and to eventually unify it. In this regard, old habits, patterns, and addictions, which limit and confine the human spirit, are rapidly breaking down and clearing the way for a new order of the mind based on a global revival of responsibility, accountability, and personal empowerment.
Light is electromagnetic radiation that travels in wave form, and your cells, which are crystalline in structure, eagerly respond to natural light. Electromagnetic waves of cosmic radiation, composed of pulsed light energies, travel throughout existence conveying vast amounts of information. The human brain and nervous system function in both physical and nonphysical reality, serving as receivers for this vast array of electrical impulses, which permeate space and engulf the planet. Your cells are always on duty to transduce, translate, transmit, and sort out the myriad of frequencies. Signals, or messages, in the nerves, brain, and body are carried by weak electrical impulses that radiate energy into physical and non-physical reality, maintaining constant contact with the higher power of the cosmic mind. The rays of the sun support this connection and can fluctuate in regard to the rate, quality, and speed of pulsed solar light radiation, and thereby affect different eras of time with very different transmissions of energy. Modern-day orthodox medical and psychological sciences rely on models of the mind that recognize only the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious aspects, with little interest in or acknowledgment of your innate connection to the cosmic mind and its greater vistas of reality. You are a multidimensional being, and over time the massive misrepresentation of this aspect of your greater being has had a profound impact on the human mind. As a natural response to these long-term constrictions, a healthy rebellion is brewing within the mass thought-form that holds your reality together. The release of vast amounts of pent-up psychic energy is stimulating a sudden expansion of consciousness that is spreading telepathically throughout the world as well as into other layers of reality.
The powers of the cosmic or higher mind offer a fascinating new frontier that is available for all people to explore. Your brain, which is divided into two hemispheres, is considered to be the central clearinghouse for communication in physical reality, although in actuality, many layers of your physical and non-physical identity are involved. Nonetheless, your brain performs important functions: the right hemisphere, which affects the left side of the body, rules abstract, intuitive, creative, and imaginative thinking, while the left hemisphere operates on rational, analytical, and logical methods, and rules the right side of the body. Harmony between the two hemispheres is essential for both learning and for activating full-brain potential. Activities that stimulate and develop the qualities of each side of the brain actually exercise your mind into a state of wholesome balance and greater intelligence. Slowly rotating your eyes from left to right, without moving your head, will activate both hemispheres; walking with your knees slightly lifted, and alternatively touching the top of your kneecap with the palm of your opposite hand, will also create hemispheric balance. However, listening to the sounds of nature by alternating your hearing from the left to the right ear will give you the very best results.
Traditionally, the mind is categorized into three basic areas of functioning—conscious, subconscious, and unconscious— which, for the sake of your imagination, can be pictured as a small green pea, a large sweet onion, and a very big potato. The conscious mind is composed of the self that is in charge, aware, and thinking: the version of you that directs the program, plants the seeds, and pilots your plane of intent in 3-D reality. The conscious mind, or the pea, is where you believe you operate from. The subconscious mind, or the large sweet onion, carries out commands from the conscious mind and is like a huge bank that holds layers and layers of all your memories. It also serves as a resplendent storehouse of knowledge for multidimensional connections and memories that travel by way of electromagnetic impulses from times beyond your current time. The unconscious mind, or the very big potato, is your deep personal inner radar, which gathers a very large base of knowledge that is rich and ripe with a spiritual reconnaissance from the deepest and most cosmic levels. Impulses, signs, signals, and symbols received from the cosmic mind, which for the sake of analogy is a garden, are translated and held for transmission by the deeply buried unconscious mind.
Activity in the brain is a reflection of an individual’s state of mind and can be measured by electroencephalograph (EEG) machines. EEG readings detect the number of brain wave cycles per second, noting specific wave frequencies or repetitions that signify the patterns of thought being used. Frequency is the speed at which electrical activity occurs and determines the various levels of brain wave activity—beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Beta waves are affiliated with conscious mind operation and indicate a normal, thinking-awake state at the highest rate of cycles per second. Alpha waves are slower and serve as a very important link, or bridge, between the higher-rate frequencies of the conscious mind, and the much slower vibrations of theta and delta waves. The alpha state, which we will call the carrot bridge, is most easily accessed through visualization and relaxation: meditation, walking or sitting in nature, or slowing down to enjoy a cup of tea can revive and restore your inner balance. Relaxing your tongue and gently separating your jaw will also adjust your frequencies from beta-wave consciousness into the alpha frequency that leads to enhanced creativity. Focusing on your breath, daydreaming, and activating your senses also access the alpha state. Children spend a large amount of time in the alpha state when they are playing, and everyone travels through the alpha level when falling asleep. When you can catch yourself hovering in this sublime state, you may notice streams of energy moving and shuffling about in your mind. On the other side of the alpha state is theta, where even slower frequencies indicate activity in the subconscious mind. Below theta are the very slow delta waves, which reveal activity in the unconscious mind: a highly programmable state that houses deep psychic connections that transcend linear time. In the delta state your reality sensors are finely tuned, yet this frequency indicates a state of deep sleep with the unconscious mind in full operation. It is the unconscious mind that is linked to the memories of the cosmic mind, and the cosmic mind is activated when all wave patterns— beta, alpha, theta, and delta—are simultaneously present.
The electromagnetic frequencies of your thoughts, weaving back and forth in time, affect other realities with similar issues. r />
Throughout time the people of Earth have used various levels of brain wave activity to enhance their capabilities with unique creativity. Your histories do not adequately focus on the true essence of human achievement. The years ahead will see electrifying and lightning-like changes to the mass psyche of humanity when all that has been hidden becomes apparent. Untold issues, which the conscious mind has been unwilling to recognize and deal with, will surface from storage in the subconscious to provide a golden opportunity to collectively clean the human mind of unprocessed information and emotional debris. Many of your ancestors led very interesting lives, and their exploits and memories are stored away as worthy contributions to the collective consciousness of humanity in the subconscious and unconscious minds.
The real knowledge that you are seeking is inside. Events that the beta-wave conscious mind thinks are long gone can still be very real and present, occurring simultaneously from the multidimensional vista of the cosmic mind. Various timeline realities are interwoven and connected to each other by the issues and lessons being played out in the physical world; the electromagnetic frequencies of your thoughts, weaving back and forth in time, affect other realities that are dealing with similar issues. On a cellular level, everyone is in a perpetual state of instant communication, and individuals from other times are often well aware of this ongoing exchange. The modern era is founded upon a mass belief that gathering information is an external process, and it can be; however, you are naturally designed to experience reality from an inner position of personal empowerment, which leads to a much more joyful and expansive vista of vitality and creative expression than is currently believed possible.
Existence is a multilayered enterprise that is both highly complex and conversely quite simple. In essence, it is a fine joining of frequencies based on a conscious cooperative agreement. Energy patterns continuously ripple and run into other layers of reality, creating an open exchange of frequencies and signals. From a larger perspective, all realities are open-ended; therefore, whatever you do—the attitudes you develop and the actions you take—creates frequencies that broadcast your essence everywhere. Cover-ups and pretence are forms of delusion; you are who you are. You can fool yourself, but you can’t fool your frequency signature! You are always transmitting who and what you are; this is true for everyone, from newborns to world leaders. Within the current state of human affairs, the level of deceit and lies has grown to such audacious heights because people have misplaced their abilities to read the vibrations of reality. In modern terms, it is called being in a state of denial.
Sometimes you create situations so you can fulfill an intention or an agreement that you set in place prior to your arrival here. Playing with power always involves a test of character. Personal challenges develop character by stimulating new heights of emotional development and intelligence, while global issues tend to deal with a collective desire to achieve psychic and spiritual goals en masse. You are here to experience exactly what you are dealing with; knowing this, and knowing that free will always gives you a choice, can empower you to enhance the course of your life. You must be very clear about what you want and what you are available for.
You can change any situation by changing your previous attitudes and expectations. Refocusing your attention and consciously selecting your thoughts to reinforce the outcome you desire will alter the frequency you transmit, inevitably opening the door to another probable outcome. Reality adjusting, or using your frequency by way of intent, is the wave of the future. Overcoming your fears and moving through challenging events will build tremendous confidence and stamina; and in a sense, the more challenging the drama, the greater the possible gain and payoff in self-empowerment. Achievements and accomplishments accumulate and permeate layers of reality with a collective momentum and purpose, creating a multidimensional chessboard where the pieces, players, and even the board itself all have a certain volition. Embracing the understanding that everything in existence is based on frequency is one of humanity’s collective goals for living in these times. Recalling and examining the wealth of memories stored in your genes will offer you a new perspective on how the human body operates, and by integrating the considerations of a larger vista of reality, you demonstrate that it can be done.
No matter what you are creating, your beliefs form the underlying foundation for all of your experiences.
Of course it is possible to create energies that are incompatible with your well-being. Because you cannot see the energies you produce, you are not always aware that you are constantly broadcasting your beliefs and your conditions for reality into existence. And a befuddled and unclear mind will attract the same kind of energies, for this is the signal that is being sent out. Remember, your thoughts create your reality so whenever you find yourself facing a puzzling situation, ask yourself, Why am I creating this? Asking why sets the stage for further clarity. The trick is to pay attention and learn to listen for the response. No matter what you are creating, your beliefs form the underlying foundation for all of your experiences. You must learn to be aware of your power to imprint the energies you are interacting with and are using to structure reality.
You produce frequencies of energy based on your beliefs, attitudes, and desires, and in the current era, you are also living in a field of electronic frequencies that bombard your environment. Extra low frequency waves (ELFs), electromagnetic frequencies, microwaves, the frequencies of high wire electrical cables, other people’s thought frequencies, the frequencies stored in the land, and a multitude of frequencies from cosmic influences all blend and merge around you. As you learn to focus your attention and sharpen your developing perceptions, you will gradually become more aware of and sensitive to the frequencies you encounter—from the food you eat and where you live to the places you visit and the things you do. As you become more energetically aware, you will learn to feel frequencies. You will notice the difference in how you feel when eating food that is mass produced and food that is grown and prepared with love. Discernment of electronic frequencies requires the same level of awareness. If you happen to spend large portions of your day steeped in a state of electronic entrainment, then it is essential to spend equal amounts of time in nature. Nature is the best place for restoring your energy and creating inner balance.
You can empower yourself, and set the reality that you want into motion, by taking time to communicate with the subconscious and unconscious levels of your mind. First slow down and focus on your breath. Gently separate your jaw and relax your tongue, and allow deep, rhythmic breathing to relax your body and open your mind to an enhanced state of awareness. Continue to breathe deep and imagine your body fully energized with golden spirals of energy. Now visualize a wave of energy, like a gentle spring shower, sweeping over the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet. Any tension that you have been carrying will be washed away, leaving you feeling fresh, clear, and free to proceed unencumbered into the depths of your being. There is a place in your mind called the “answer room,” and you must use your imagination to cross the bridge and find your way to the door. It may be on a busy street in an old stone office building, down a quiet country lane, or secluded like an eagle’s nest overlooking a cliff.
The answer room is your creation and can be anywhere you choose; feel a strong intent to go there, and then see yourself standing before the door. Take special note of the quality and color of the door, as well as the shape of the doorknob, and once they are clearly etched in your memory, open the door. The answer room is very well furnished with beautiful fabrics and comfortable seating; fascinating pieces of art, a globe, books, plants, flowers, and a tea set add a warm welcome, and large glass doors open onto a sumptuous garden. Now enter the answer room and make yourself at home. You will find anything you want in this room. Once you are cozy and settled in, think about what you want to know. Look around the room, allowing your gaze to rest here and then there, steadily taking in all that you see. When you are ready, clearly state th
e question to which you are seeking an answer and ask that an answer be clearly presented within the next three days; then sit back, enjoy some tea, and bask in the serenity of your room of inner knowledge. You can visit this room anytime you choose to fine-tune your frequency and gain greater clarity about yourself and the world at large.
You must trust that once you set up this type of internal programming that the answers will come; either while you are in the room, or sometime during the three days that follow. As you get better and better at using your imagination, you naturally expand your freedom to creatively play with the inner workings of your psyche, which will in turn enhance your well-being. Unlimited possibilities await your attention, and you can save yourself a lot of money and hard work by practicing the art of inner self-management and learning how to direct your attention within. Eventually, you may just think of the answer room, pose a question, and instantaneously receive an answer. You can do whatever you want as you build your reality in your mind.