Path of Empowerment Read online

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  Frequencies are tricky, and it is best to remember that you can’t fool frequency.

  Your brain wave signals reveal your state of mind through the frequencies you use to operate in physical reality. You can learn to build an overall frequency that is strong and powerful and clearly focused. As you learn to enhance and enliven your frequency, it will become more predominant than any of the surrounding energies you encounter. Common sense must prevail as you pursue this course of personal enhanced awareness. It is possible to establish a personal vibration that will transcend and transmute a toxic or destructive substance. When dealing with electronics in today’s world, it takes a tremendous amount of effort to maintain your frequency if you are living in a highly charged electronic field. You must learn to locate yourself where the vibrations feel good, and most often this will be a place where nature is honored. You can learn to transcend anything, yet you must also consider if it is in your best interest to make such an effort; sometimes relocating yourself or changing your habits are the easiest and most sensible solutions. Many people actually batter themselves energetically by pushing against and forcing their way through chaotic thought-form storms created by people transmitting the frequencies of their own negative feelings. All thoughts take on an energetic form in the world of frequencies, and feelings are the fuel used to propel the signals of thought into the surrounding ether. Thoughts cluster together and congregate by similarity—like attracts like. All thoughts are commands given to the cells to carry out a desired effect, and unconscious thoughts and suggestions can often be extremely damaging to the body.

  While driving in heavy traffic the vibrations from other drivers can sometimes be very intense and disturbing. Most people think they are alone and isolated in their automobiles, but the act of driving, which is very hypnotic, can trigger an altered state of consciousness. In this trance-like state of mind, the thoughts and feelings that are explored by the driver are then unconsciously broadcast onto the highways of the world. You must learn to focus your attention and notice what you are thinking about. Are you contributing to a cluster of thoughts filled with joy or despair? When you are clear about what you want, knowing that you can create any version of life that you desire, you can consciously condition the energy of your environment with your intentions by sending out nurturing and loving thoughts to the surrounding locale—be it a highway or a byway. You can use your thoughts in unlimited capacities, and the more you practice balancing and harmonizing the environment you encounter, the greater effect you have on changing the world in which you live.

  Through thinking, feeling, saying, doing, dreaming, intending, wishing, and being, you are making frequencies all the time. What are you contributing to the field of human activity? Perhaps those who appear to have more power than you are simply focusing their frequencies with greater intent. The field of energy is not rich in one area and poor in another, the field is the field is the field—uniform and all pervasive. The field of existence is filled with Cosmic Intelligence that is neutral—in terms of self-interest—and in the biggest picture of reality, a single overseer simply does not exist. The cosmic mind is a collective experience, one that is ever changing and growing by continuously incorporating every nuance of experience that every form of consciousness explores and transmits. Using your willpower to create a new probable world—which you do with each thought—by producing the frequencies of thought and energy that you desire, is the name of the game of freedom. Your intentions determine the experiences you create, and how you respond determines the outcome. If you choose to lie and manipulate your way through life and use demonic dark energies to augment your path, then you will experience the results of those actions. The choice is always yours, to do what you will. Regardless of whether you do or do not accept personal responsibility for your creations, what you encounter is always of your own making.

  Frequencies are tricky, and it is best to remember that you can’t fool frequency. Frequency is. To have a truly sincere and genuine frequency of energy, there must be an alignment with your feelings. A deceptive conniver, in the guise of a good person, can be easily recognized and read quite clearly when you release your expectations and tune in to feel the true nature of the person’s intent. When you learn to read frequencies with your feelings, dealing with the unsavory energies of lies and deceptions is no longer a problem. Good readers of frequencies are always very honest with themselves and others because both honesty and integrity are required for acquiring this skill. The greater your integrity, the more the many gates of knowledge and the real truths of existence will be revealed. There are no training camps or courses to sign up for; this is all about you and your conscience. In every moment of your existence you have the opportunity to take the low road, the middle road, or the high road. Honesty produces a frequency that says, I have integrity and honor, and I am dependable, trustworthy, and reliable. It is all up to you. The more responsibility you are willing to claim for being the creator of your life, the greater the truths you will be able to accept and deal with. Responsibility opens the doors to complete self-empowerment.

  You have the inherent right and duty to design and create your life.

  The times in which you live are characterized by a noble and courageous effort on behalf of many stalwart minds to expose a myriad of dark, menacing conspiracies that reveal a pattern of control by a global elite intent upon world domination. From the bigger picture, everyone on Earth is playing a part in this great game of consciousness. You are here to create a great dynamic of change for waking up to new truths and learning to trust the unfolding revelations of the cosmic mind. When you stop contributing your personal fears of powerlessness and despair to the mass thought-form, and accept yourself as a creator of your own frequency, you can use the unlimited potentials of the field of formative energies however you choose. You have the inherent right and duty to design and create your life. And you can create a safe world for yourself by focusing your attention and sending your loving thoughts into the ether for a peaceful co-existence between all forms of consciousness. If this peaceful version of reality is what you are available for, then harmonious interactions, exciting new adventures, great synchronicities, and celebrated connections can be created. There is a point and a purpose to being here, and all of the avenues of experience that you choose to explore are essential and important for your self-fulfillment in this time.

  You are ultimately responsible for cherishing and valuing your life; however, you must learn a little more about who you are before you can really design a better reality with the frequencies that you choose. Knowing more about yourself is not always easy, and just like deciding on integrity, it is a choice you must be willing to make. Once again, accepting responsibility for your life and relinquishing the stance of victimhood will free your thought patterns and untie the knots of powerless thinking. The more you know about who you are and the more you are willing to see your life as a significant and purposeful expression of consciousness, the greater the unfoldment will be. Use your creative energy to set the tone of your day, and picture vibrant waves of energy filled with images of your intentions being broadcast from your heart. In pursuit of the truth, you must be willing to explore, quest, question, discuss, debate, listen, look, learn, and see yourself and all of creation in a captivating new light.

  Chapter Three




  You have learned that everything in existence is connected to an unlimited interactive web, which we call the web of existence. All events, great and small, are stored on this web of intelligent energy, which has an unlimited capacity for memory, among its many other attributes. Your Internet is a symbolic model of this web of existence—an attempt in the material world to mimic the web and replicate its boundless energy. However, though this web is ever present, with no server charges, the start-up fees require that you must master your mind and know yourself in order t
o get on-line. Many world civilizations have succeeded in surfing the great web of existence by making the cosmic link between life on Earth and the majesty of the stars.

  Ancient seers and timekeepers from days long gone had a deep affinity for studying the heavens and noting that there were worlds within worlds inherently connected through stellar and planetary cycles that operated in accordance with a large-scale cosmic plan. These cycles and their influences are part of a greater design and contain numerous levels of plans and pur-n poses; in ancient times, humankind considered life on Earth to be a highly significant part of this cosmic dance. Some cultures even foresaw the nanosecond, the twenty-five-year period from 1987 through 2012, as being a supremely important part of such a large-scale cycle, one that involved a total transformation of human consciousness. The nanosecond would show the way out of a long, prevailing state of self-imposed ignorance and confusion into the onset of a golden epoch of human transformation. The people of this time would be able to choose from a variety of probable futures to bridge the transition between the ending of one era and the beginning of another. It was known that they would transform themselves through purifications, initiations, and great spiritual tests, as their world appeared to break apart at the seams. This entire twenty-five-year period would attract billions of people—everyone would want to be on Earth because the acceleration of energy would be so extraordinary; it would be like living thousands of years in a mere twenty-five, or like having hundreds of lifetimes all rolled into one. At this time personal and collective tests would serve as opportunities to become more aware of a much greater reality. All of humanity would be involved in making many powerful choices during these years, choices that would determine the type of world they would occupy as the new version began with the Winter Solstice in 2012.

  The velocity and intensity of the accelerated energy are modulated into three distinct phases, each one designed to adjust humanity’s expanding consciousness by creating a rhythm and pattern of entrainment with new light frequencies on a cellular level. As energy continues to accelerate, the time span between one crisis and another grows shorter and shorter, and the opportunity to realize that the outer world is a reflection of the inner reality increases exponentially. Within a larger framework of reality, a crisis can be thought of as a meeting of minds at the crossroads of opportunity—a juncture where you recognize exactly where you are and consciously choose the best possible outcome for where you are going. During the twenty-five years of accelerated energy, you are being altered by a steady, tempered increase in cosmic radiation that is assisting you in acclimating and adjusting to the immense changes in consciousness that you have come here to claim.

  Perhaps you are wondering about the point and purpose of increasing the energy. Is it to drive you crazy? Or to give the controllers more power over your life? The actual purpose of the acceleration is to teach you, and all of those who participate, about embodying cosmic law to overcome a tyranny of destructive behavior. Ancient people understood that there are laws that govern the universe and multiverse, and that everything is intimately connected to activities in the heavens. One of the primary laws is: Thought creates reality. As everything continues to go faster and faster, this becomes a self-evident teaching as what you think materializes with greater and greater speed. As the energy accelerates, a natural internal process works in harmony with inner and outer forces to assist you in integrating the change in energy. You have chosen to be here at a time when thoughts will be recognized as tools for creating and manifesting reality into form, and to anchor in this reality the knowledge that you are a spiritual being in charge of your life. To be able to proclaim: “I was there, and I lived it. I did it; I began to design my life according to my own well-conceived intentions” is a noteworthy achievement on anyone’s spiritual resume.

  During these times of accelerated energy, everything quickens and manifests with much greater speed.

  Celestial alignments with the Galactic Center deliver potent transmissions of energy affecting everything on Earth, and as these super-voltage energies continue to enter your reality and speed things up, you must be much more aware of the thoughts and messages you send forth.

  Remember, your thoughts are broadcast as frequencies of energy that act in a similar fashion to a homing pigeon trained to deliver a message—thoughts literally fly out from your mind to connect with whatever you are thinking about. And during these times of accelerated energy everything quickens and manifests with much greater speed. Understanding the cosmic laws of manifestation is like having the keys to the universe. If you are aware of your thoughts, knowing that what you focus on is what you get, then ideally you are consciously creating the version of life that you want. But, if by chance, you believe what is sold in the mainstream media’s business of thought control, then you are following a program and are being used. In times of acceleration, you must think and question everything, and be willing to feel your way through life in order to ascertain the many layers of truth that define your reality.

  During the first phase of the transformation, from 1987 to 1996, the level of cosmic energy affecting your planet accelerated in proportion to a tenfold increase from one year to the next, gradually building a quiet momentum, and subtly changing everyone’s life. Reflect for a few moments back to 1987. Where were you living at the time? What were you doing with your attention? What was going on in your life? How busy were you? Where were you in your spiritual search? Who were you then, and what did you think about? What was your understanding of the world?

  Initially, only a relatively small number of people across the planet were triggered to connect with and feel the quickening of energy from the newly arriving cosmic energy and light frequencies. There were many changes to consider and factor into one’s life, for in addition to all the normal routines of daily life a new level of awareness subtly seeded itself in the human mind. The planetary consciousness sensed the beginnings of profound changes and reached out in response, like a newly foaled calf, all woozy and wobbly, and ready for life. The first ten years of accelerated energy created a steady, yet gradual, increase in overall awareness within mass consciousness. New and exciting interpretations of life burst forth as the result of expanding awareness, and information became a valuable, indispensable commodity. As the pace quickened, the slow and steady blossoming of the Internet mirrored the connections being made at other levels, and the new technologies reflected the accelerated energies of the times. Even though many people were naïve in their interpretations and expectations of what was occurring, from the beginning the excitement was still enormous. Psychic senses and new perceptual abilities were just starting to awaken in a large number of people, and spiritual idealism sometimes outranked practicality in terms of popularity. Eventually though, as more and more information was disclosed concerning the true state of world affairs—especially the long-term manipulation of beliefs concerning hidden cosmic connections —the bubble of innocence burst to reveal a much larger vista of reality, calling in turn for a much larger vista of one’s own place in the cosmos. With great consistency, like the rich and majestic turning of the leaves in the autumn season, millions of people began to slowly realize that they were living during times of stupendous change, and that a multitude of mind-boggling agendas and intentions were probably involved.

  During the second phase of the acceleration, from 1997 to 2006, the energy leaps in proportion to one hundred–fold each year, magnifying every experience with even greater intensity. As the energy continues to increase, and because there is so much more to keep track of, people are becoming completely enamored of technological innovations in order to escape the mounting pressure; however, some will claim it is to manage the chaos. All the while they are immersing themselves in an electronic bubble that manages their frequencies. There is great confusion during these years about recognizing priorities and what is really important. And as time marches on, it will become increasingly obvious to those with very clever minds
that thoughts are manifesting themselves into reality very quickly. Eventually, all will face an extraordinary reality check with the state of their own affairs as new priorities for life arise by choice or default. During this time, billions of people will begin to realize that nothing is exactly as it appears to be, and this realization will be an initiation in itself, and one of the great tests of these times. As tumultuous events escalate on the world stage, an invisible line will be drawn and polarizations will arise all over the world as people choose sides and take a stand on their beliefs in heated debates over the issues of freedom and the value of life. Denial will be a choice by those who stand in ignorance despite commonly available knowledge. A new level of thinking is being called forth as pioneering minds seek to open the doors to a new frontier of unlimited possibilities. As the issues of war and peace escalate in importance, people will have deep realizations about who to trust, and will begin to recognize the value of their intuition in this decision-making process. During these years, a newfound wisdom will be born as an awakening of epic proportions galvanizes the globe. Unique concepts electrify and revive the human spirit and offer a sense of empowerment and relief for many people in their lives. New ideas seem to arrive with a life of their own, as the confluence of multiple realities with the third dimension begins dancing and bubbling like the merging of rivers after a quick spring thaw. And yet still, in the midst of it all, no one is quite certain as to “what is really going on.”