Path of Empowerment Read online

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  Sometimes people are afraid of the truth, and the multidimensional aspect of their transformation appears to be shaking humanity to its core. Around the globe people are noting the sizable increase in unusual energies and activities in the heavens. Your world has always shared time and space with concurrent realities that you do not see. Interdimensional, extraterrestrial, and ultradimensional visitors are occupants of other realities that can interact and intercede with yours. Benevolent beings constantly keep a keen watch over your world; however, there is also a very pronounced and strong influence from a cadre of energies who do not have your best interests at heart. The ancient adage “as above, so below” is a truth that outlines more situations and occurrences than you can currently comprehend. Invisible energies from other realities are naturally attracted to you and your world, and the vibrations of intent that you produce will determine the quality and type of influence you experience from them.

  Reality is built in the mind. Those who attempt to steal or seal off your mind have hoarded these secrets for a long, long time.

  For many millennia the people of Earth have been continuously creating their experience by default and neglect. Thoughts and feelings, words and ideas are in a constant search to attract their likenesses. To produce effective and desirable results, thoughts must be clearly focused and directed toward a desired goal. The realization of this knowledge is of key importance in the initiation of humankind into a higher state of awareness. The tumultuous transformation sweeping your planet offers many choices to see reality in a new light, to achieve new levels of self-understanding, and to apply new principles of reality to your life. Brilliant minds, cavorting outside of the box of traditional censure and dogma, have enthusiastically concurred that thought conditions and objectifies space.

  Many millions of people have proved to themselves that thought creates reality by using their intuition to tap in to the non-physical and invisible energies that permeate time and space and all of existence. Reality is built in the mind. Those who attempt to steal or seal off your mind have known about and hoarded these secrets for a long, long time. Liberating knowledge is not taught in your schools. You are dissuaded from the truth, so it is no great wonder that the major issue rising to the surface in so many lives involves repressed expression—basically, dealing with and healing feelings of fear about owning your truth on a personal, global, and galactic scale.

  The current fashion in Western civilization promotes doubters and skeptics who are recognized and rewarded for their worrisome speculations. And because of an ancient ingrained fear of the body and its wisdom, people can no longer tell the difference between what they are told is the truth and what makes sense to them. This collective denial has now achieved a critical mass, and ages of emotionally toxic debris are rising to the surface to be identified and safely released. From a bigger picture of reality, the people of Earth are emerging from an amnesiac-like state of collective shock, which has blocked the influx of spiritual knowledge into the human gene pool. And while it is quite obvious to many that “you create your reality,” the vast majority of humans still need to be awakened from the unconsciously controlled trance of powerlessness that they voluntarily took on.

  The ancient battle between science and religion over the exclusive rights to define reality is reaching an appropriate crisis point; you may have dealt with this same issue in other times and places. Geological records offer ample evidence that nuclear detonations destroyed civilizations thousands of years ago. Eastern religious texts refer to many extended wars in the heavens that wreaked havoc on Earth. Sophisticated artifacts and unusual skeletons have been unearthed for centuries from undisturbed rock strata dating back millions and even billions of years. The past has been whitewashed, controlled, and erased. What you learned in school about the history of Earth paints a randomly chaotic picture of an ignorant people constantly at odds with life. These explanations have become part of the foundation of thought that embraces the concepts of powerlessness and victimhood, which is how you are officially encouraged to interpret existence. Taken to the extreme, even nature is seen as a potential enemy—an unpredictable and volatile force over which you have no influence—rather than as an extension and expression of the collective mind.

  To flourish and thrive, you must truly embrace and energize the concept that your physical vehicle is of inestimable value.

  These times of change involve a rapid emergence from an era of ignorance, breaking free from an old spell that has been in place for thousands and thousands of years. To flourish and thrive, you must truly embrace and energize the concept that your physical vehicle—the body that you occupy—is of inestimable value. You must accept your own worthiness and be willing and able to feel genuine love and appreciation for who you are—this is the essential key for opening the doors of change and attracting the very, very best experiences that life has to offer. The love you seek from others must be generated by you, for you. When you feel genuine love for yourself, you are connecting with and contributing to the vital-force energy that sustains all of existence; it is the great gift you have to offer the world—your own version of the love frequency. To cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, take time everyday—morning and evening—to sit or stand in front of a mirror for five to ten minutes for an intimate eye-to-eye appointment with yourself. Gaze steadily into your eyes, and maintaining direct eye contact, open your heart and tell yourself that you love you. Repeat the phrase “I love you” aloud as you continue to look deeply into the mirror’s reflection of your eyes. Watch your pupils and irises, and allow any feelings that the words bring up to flow over your body, like warm sunshine dancing through the depths of the forest. As you participate in this exercise, you must also observe your actions and responses to your message of love. Do different versions of you appear in the mirror? Are you smiling? Do you meet something that makes you drop your gaze and look away? Is there a part of you that did not accept the love? What is your body doing? Do any tears appear to melt the seals of your memories? Are you holding your breath or breathing long and deep? How do you feel about purposely creating time to tell yourself that you are loved?

  Through the course of your life, learning to use your mind in a multitude of ways, such as participating in mental exercises, and then observing and reflecting upon your responses will unlock the mysteries of your own thinking. Many multifaceted opportunities await, and if you do the work and learn to trust yourself then the times ahead will offer unique experiences to enhance your perceptions of reality. These new perceptions hold life, they hold meaning and ease and healing, and they are transmitted energetically, orb to orb and cell to cell. As a human being, you are undergoing a massive restructuring of your psyche to become more consciously aware of extensive inner truths, and as a pioneer of perception, it is imperative that you understand and trust the life you create.

  The current extensive acts of war and control implemented by world leaders demonstrate their desperation over losing their hold on humanity. They will do anything to divert you from paying attention to and awakening your personal power. Those who refuse to awaken feed those who control them. This is an old agreement, with no judgments. When consciousness awakens, it needs no controllers. We cannot offer you a guarantee on the viability of your reality; however, you can certainly create the version of the world you want, and there is, in effect, unlimited support for this endeavor.

  Your world has always been watched and studied by many, many beings, each with different intentions and agendas. Yet, in general, you are supported by those who understand the intricacies of cooperation in which there is a point, a purpose, and a dignity to the rise of control and the abuse of power. When forms of consciousness choose to forget, deny, deactivate, and disdain their own power to create and to know, when they devalue free thinking, then they become part of the drama, the game so to speak, that allows them to experience existence under the apparent control and dominion of others. The lessons and issues involve fe
ar of the unknown, fear of perceptions, and fear of being in charge of one’s life. Overcoming fear of personal power is a customary stage in the development of conscious awareness; nonetheless, the all-important question remains: How far will you go before valuing what is innately yours?

  The current acts of war and control implemented by world leaders demonstrate their desperation over losing their hold on humanity.

  It is time to connect the dots. Events serve multilayer purposes and everything depends on the point of view. Are you willing to accept responsibility for loving yourself and the Earth into a state of wholesome well-being? Can you conceive of the momentous task you set forth to accomplish in this life? Will you allow the bigger picture to be revealed? Mental flexibility involves using your imagination in creative new ways to build a foundation of thought with clear, conscious intent. Difficulty is not a signature of failure. Challenges sharpen your wits and can bring out the best of your abilities if you have faith and trust, and learn to bend with the winds of change. This is the time to fine-tune your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional skills, and prove to yourself—and the world at large—that your thoughts imprint the life-force energy around you and that you are the creator of your experience.

  The transformation of consciousness that is sweeping the globe is a multidimensional drama, an orchestration of supreme significance, that essentially involves an act of daring courage— an agreement between many realities to heal the mind and spirit of humanity and all they are connected to. From the point of view of the simultaneous ever-expanding now, all real healing involves a compassionate reinterpretation and energetic understanding of people, places, times, and events. The new common sense is about knowing that all of life is significant and that you must take care of it. We recommend that you become enamored of yourself, for you are a miraculous form of creation, capable of manifesting a magnificent and majestic version of existence through thought, word, and deed. Seek the path that brings fun and joyful living, where you attract meaningful and significant life experiences. You always energetically pass on what you are learning. Trust in the benevolence of existence, for it is indeed so very fine. You have your own finesse, grace, and style. Use it! This is a most fortunate time to be alive and will go down in the annals of renowned reincarnation stories. Sometime, perhaps in the future, you will tell great tales about what it was like to be alive on Earth during the great intensification of energy—a twenty-five-year span of unfolding multidimensional mysteries, at once majestic, momentous, and forever monumental in the annals of time. Intend to embrace true knowledge and freedom, dear friend, and on the path of empowerment, be certain to make the best use of all of your nows.

  Chapter Two



  Everything occurs for a distinct and significant purpose on all levels of reality. There are many layers of intent involved in this game of freedom, and many different realities are intertwined. The people of Earth are undergoing a profound and necessary transformation of consciousness in order to wake up to this new understanding of life. To call the challenges of life a game may sound frivolous; however, within a game there are generally rules, goals, and players. From our perspective, existence is the biggest game of all. On Earth, you are collectively engaged in learning that the physical world is not really solid or isolated or alone; all of existence is interrelated, totally connected, consciously intelligent, and completely accessible to everyone. The ancient adage “know thyself ” is a timeless, if subtly simple, instruction directing you toward a greater understanding of your relationship to reality. Third-dimensional reality is an inherent part of the great web of existence, which is filled with connections and meanings that continuously sustain everything you encounter and create in the physical world, in the dream state, and in realities beyond your current perception. To know yourself, you must go deep into this web.

  Faith is an act of trust, and entrusting yourself to the goodness of the universe does indeed focus your attention on its fruition in your life. Goodness is a state or territory of consciousness; it is not a place of escape from the less-than-pleasant aspects of life. With the recognition of a benevolent higher power of intelligence, even the so-called negative and undesirable aspects of life can be seen to embody a higher purpose. When you expand your thinking and question why, you alter the course of your reality; when you seek to enlighten and enliven your mind, a myriad of connections with layers of subtle meaning will begin to unfold in your life.

  Acontrolled and corrupt media has been directing the attention of the masses by uniformly reporting on a state of managed chaos.

  You encounter life with your attention, and you probably recall being told countless times to “pay attention” to one thing or another. Attention is awareness, mindfulness, and watchful consciousness. Your attention is energy. You have the freedom to place your attention anywhere you choose, the freedom to develop or ignore your attention—it is all up to you. To know yourself, you must have command of your attention, you must learn to treasure and value it, and most importantly, you must figure out how to properly use it. For many decades a very controlled and corrupt media has been directing the attention of the masses by uniformly reporting on a state of managed chaos, which is scripted and staged to produce mental confusion and fatigue. The relentless reporting and rehashing of catastrophic and traumatic events, with images of despair and destruction repeatedly planted into the minds of the viewers, create supreme states of anxiety and are, in reality, a form of psychological warfare. Authorities play with truths, half-truths, deceptions, and lies to render you hopeless, feeling it is pointless to do anything— this now passes as “the” news, and it can rule your life.

  When millions of people focus their attention upon listening to the same words, seeing the same pictures, and hearing the same descriptions, tremendous energy is generated and a massive thought-form is created. Thought-forms are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality. The media captures your attention and then programs your imagination, essentially canceling out your unique creative drive to manifest your own reality as well as your desire to know yourself. You have been conditioned to believe that all you need to know can now be found in the wonderful world of electronic boxes and the information and entertainment they hold. When “the news” is slanted toward a message of continuous war, a state of despair and a sense of hopelessness are created. A paralysis of power takes hold because you become convinced that the only reality is what is described and prescribed by the authorities in the box. Reality is created and produced by each and every one of you, and those seeking to control the world have kept this knowledge a well-guarded secret.

  Your imagination is a priceless and handy tool for developing and exercising your attention toward creating what you want in life. In the imagination all thoughts are real. As a simple exercise to empower your being, imagine that you are comfortably seated on an old stone bench in a lovely pastoral setting. The sky is brilliant, a deep azure blue; the sun is shining on the far horizon; no one is around, and you feel safe, secure, and very happy. Releasing a deep sigh of contentment, you close your eyes and relax into the moment, which is yours and yours alone to enjoy in blissful peace. All of your cares and concerns are washed from your mind, and you feel fresh and new, like the Earth after a warm summer shower. The rays of the sun greet you like an old, trusted friend, offering soothing warmth that penetrates deep into your body. Your breath is steady and deep, and the delicious scents and sounds of nature tantalize your cells with a sense of timeless familiarity. You are free now to surrender to the rhythm of deep relaxation and all that the moment offers. As your physical body becomes more and more relaxed, your attention is now free to roam into a new playground of the mind.

  Listen with your left ear, reaching out far into the surrounding countryside, and then listen with your right ear in the same fashion. Alternate your hearing from left to right, left to right. No
w listen with both ears, finding the special place of acoustical balance in the center of your brain. See the cells of your body busily occupied with absorbing life-enhancing energy from the sun.

  Now refocus your attention, and enter a single cell to observe more closely what is occurring. Notice how the components of the cell are responding to the natural light, and notice the relationship of space to matter. If there are areas within the cell where the light is not reaching, use a soft piece of gold silk cloth to lovingly wipe the area clean. When the cell is completely clean, send a message to all of the cells in your body asking them to align and entrain with the cleansing you just performed. Listen carefully for a response to your request. Feel your cells dancing with joy as they fully absorb and bathe in the life-enhancing rays of the sun. When you can really feel the excitement and vitality of your cells, send heartfelt love into every nook and cranny of your body. Relax into the rising feeling of love and great appreciation for who you truly are.